Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Gourock: Cardwell Bay 2011

I really enjoyed going to Cardwell Bay again to take some photos!
This is a mixture of shots from the railings, down on the sand and some views across the water.

It was a bonus to see the rainbow!

The steps were of great interest to me - I recognised them as the old steps we used to access the beach way back in the 1950s! Click here to see them in my photos from the old days.


  1. Jane...Cardwell bay is where I learned to Canoe. My home built Canoe which I made in the basement of our house in Campbell Street, Greenock. How I miss the Clyde. I returned to Rothesay for the first ime in 50 years last Aug. I was like a wee lad all excited getting the ferry from Wymes Bay. Just a great day out especially as the sun shone for us...was most special. your blog brings back many memories. Like to hear from in Porthcawl since 1991

  2. So interesting about your homemade canoe Alvan! I remember Campbell St well - even drove along it again last month! So glad you like my blog!

  3. Just loved the rainbow photo. Did you realize that you were in Scotland the EXACT SAME TIME as my friend Elsie McMillan Gott, from Facebook, was in Dunoon, June 1 to July 21st? You may have passed by each other and never known? She's from Dunoon and lives in Iowa now. Love your photos and comments!!!
