House Sale Update
After three and a half months of marketing, no one has bought our home in South Wales - in fact, no one has even been to view it! It looks more and more as though we won't be moving to the Firth of Clyde in the near future. Very disappointing :-(
Oh.. that is not very encouraging.. estate business must be doing very bad.. Or what?
How disappointing. Perhaps the new year will bring a stronger market. Here in Canada it is a buyer's market and we want to sell too but will likely wait until spring of next year to put it on the market as we hope for a stronger seller's market. Good luck to you!
Thank you so much Shirley. I hope that we are all successful in our moving plans next year, good luck to you too!
Try putting it up here and widen the audience?
Thanks Adullamite, that's a good idea. We're going to try again next Spring so I'll do it then.
Hi Jane. One of your posters (Michael) noted that he had an aerial photo of Rosebank from 1941, showing the bomb craters around the cottage. My sisters were living there at the time and Christine, the younger of the two, has posted a memoir on the RCAHMS page. You might be interested.
Oh gosh, I think I muddled up that link. Try this.
I am indeed interested Dougie - what a fascinating and full account. I was unable to see any of the photos but your sister's descriptions are very vivid.
Many thanks, Jane
Click on 'Digital images' at top right under 'Collection items' and scroll down to the last image (black and white).
Thanks Dougie, I've found it now. So many bomb craters over the landscape, how terrible it must have been then.
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