Saturday, July 18, 2009

Cardross and A. J. Cronin Part 5

In honour of A J Cronin's 113th birthday (19th July) , I've copied a photo of him from an old magazine which I bought recently (printed in 1952) and here are also a few of my own photos which I haven't included before. I hope it won't be too long until I can revisit Cardross and the surrounding countryside.

One of the lanes near Rosebank Cottage...

...and some views across the fields and the Clyde to Port Glasgow


  1. Thanks Kirigalpoththa. There are better photos of Cardross in the previous A J Cronin blogs - these were the 'left-over' ones!!

  2. I love your fascinating blogs about Cronin and his place of birth. A Happy Belated Birthday to the noble author, whose writing I've always loved. I might add that he looks quite dapper in that photograph!

  3. Thank you very much - it's so nice to 'meet' someone else who loves Cronin's work!

  4. I am passionate about A.J.CRONIN's books. I used to read them when I was a kid and stumbled on The Judas Tree the other day in a thrift shop for $2.00. I would love to get a collection of his books going at home. Have you seen the movie Hatter's Castle? If so, is it worth buying, being so old.

  5. Thank you so much for your comments. It's so nice to think of others 'out there' reading Cronin's books! The Judas Tree is one of my favourites and very powerful I think. The life of David Moray is one of the most interesting of any of Cronin's characters! I've never seen the film Hatter's Castle but would love to - I must look on ebay again. I've never seen it for sale and I don't think it's easily available. I don't know how far it kept to the book. The only film I know well is The Spanish Gardener, with Dirk Bogarde, which I can recommend.

  6. Some of the films based on Cronin's books (Hatter's Castle, The Citadel, The Stars Look Down, The Green Years) are posted on YouTube. Several classic Dr Finlay's Casebook episodes and those from the more recent version are also on that site - great stuff!

  7. That's fantastic - thanks for letting me know! I'll look into it rightaway!

  8. Nice to read about and see A. J. Cronin!

  9. Thank you very much Erik - I am very pleased to 'meet' you and to discover your blog too!

  10. Glad to see the house was being built. My ex and I had to sell when it became obvious we would not be able to build ourselves. Hope the new owners are happy and the road is passable
