"There can scarcely be a coastal walk in the whole of the UK to compare with this. On the one side, successions of fine, late-Victorian villas, and on the other the wondrous scenery of the Firth of Clyde." (Ian R. Mitchell)Some photos of my favourite part of Greenock - the mile long Esplanade - where I have spent many happy hours through the years. These are fairly recent (taken over the past year or two).

Love that view!

This was the first flashing buoy used to aid navigation

View from one of the benches halfway along

A couple of the many fine old villas along The Esplanade

Sandringham Terrace - a grand block of typical
sandstone flats - as seen from Campbell Street

Floral tribute to the visit of the QE2 in 2007
(unfortunately I wasn't there to see her)

Looking east towards the Ocean Terminal

Ocean Terminal at the east end of The Esplanade - site of the old Princes Pier
Short video of views from The Esplanade
(best watched without the sound as it's only wind!)
Hi Jane,your off to a flying start,I like the design of your blog.
Its always good to see how other folk take pictures of the same area.You have already given me an idea for a photograph! I liked the floral picture of the QE2,I have never seen it!
Thanks Gerry! If I hadn't met you and seen your blog I don't think I would have thought of doing this.
Hi Jane,
What a wonderful idea......to post the old and the new......and with such beautiful photos, to boot. I love them all, but I especially love the first photo with the deep blue rail along the river (is it the Clyde?).
I love your web site design, too. Where can I find a way to build one like this?
Very nice. I thoroughly enjoyed looking and can't wait for more.
Thank you so much Jackie and yes, it is The Clyde! (I've sent you the details of building a blog via email)
I agree with the comments - your blog is splendid! I actually watched the QE2 being launched and coming down the Clyde by Dunoon. It was a big deal then to us. I have so many questions about your blog, how you got things where you put them on it. LOVE the blog!!
Thanks again Melinda, how wonderful it must have been to see her launched!! It's really not difficult to add things to the blog!
Oh the Clyde the Clyde the wonderful Clyde ~ ~ ~ ~ ~I am singing the song now Jane!
Alvan from Porthcawl.
I'm singing it with you Alvan!!
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