One of my last entries here for a while as I'm running out of photos taken around the Firth! However, I'll be back there later in the year, all being well, and I shall continue adding to my other blog, 'Around Scotland' in the meantime.
Below: some of my photos from 1971. The occasion was the re-dedication of the Free French/Cross of Lorraine memorial in Greenock. I missed out on the ceremony on the Lyle Hill but took some photos down by the water instead. (I'm not sure exactly where I took these - Custom House Quay perhaps? If someone could tell me I'd be very grateful!)
Mainly photos - old and new - of my favourite places around the wonderful River and Firth of Clyde!
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Erskine Ferry
The River Clyde at Erskine was once shallow enough to cross on foot until the 18th century when it was deepened to allow large ships to sail to Glasgow. The Clyde Navigation Trust acquired the Erskine Ferry in 1911 and added a vehicle ferry boat to the old passenger service from Erskine (in Renfrewshire) to Old Kilpatrick (in West Dunbartonshire). The ferry service closed down in 1971 when the newly built Erskine Bridge opened.
Thursday, July 3, 2008
An interesting little town in South Ayrshire, quite far south down the Firth - 20 miles south of Ayr. We visited on a warm sunny day - it was lovely on the beach! I didn't take any photos in the town itself (we were too concerned with finding somewhere to eat!)
The island of Ailsa Craig, looking rather hazy out on the horizon. There's an interesting article about it on Wikipedia (with lots of photos) here